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Sep 29, 2018

Andy and Melodica the Alien play a song called Skate with Your Man in Japan (Everybody Wants to Live Forever).

Sep 25, 2018

Our guest is Mama Ooze! Melodica the Alien and Andy's wife Julianne are in the studio for a conversation with the bassist and lead singer of the band Oziem. Check out Oziem's new 3-song album 3P at

Sep 17, 2018

Our guest is the rapper MC Paul Barman! Andy talks with Paul about his latest album, (((echo chamber))). Paul talks about the inspiration for the Hairy Moth Owl, and Andy plays the song "((((((Antennas)))))) ft. Masta Ace" from the new record. Find all of MCPB's links here: 

Sep 11, 2018

Our guest is Josh Smith. Josh is one of the editors at Bedlam Publishing who helped to organize and bring to print a collection of the posthumous works of the Pakistani-American poet Ramez Qureshi. All of Yesterday's Tomorrows: Collected Poems by Ramez Qureshi can be purchased in both hardback and ebook formats via...

Sep 4, 2018

Our guest is the lead singer of American Standard, Bill Dolan! Andy talks with Bill about the NYC hardcore scene. Bill tells a story about mistakenly sitting on a couch that was pooped on by GG Allin and getting into a fight that was broken up by Jello Biafra. Andy plays the American Standard...